Board of directors
President - Adam Augustine, Everett MilbergerPest Control
Vice President / President-Elect Joseph Davidson, Schendel Pest Service
Secretary - Gerry Marsh, Patton Termite and Pest Control
Treasurer - Paul Bearman, Kaw valley Pest Control
Region I - Roxann Gooden, Mid West Exterminators of Kansas
Region II - Vacant
Region III - Darren Grant, American Pest Management
Region IV - Heath Litton, General Pest Control
At-Large - Norm Clouse, Redrock Protection Services
Past President- Kyle Litton, General Pest Control
President’s Appointee - Rusty Binkley, Rockell Labs
Past President’s Appointee - Jared Ingalls, Pest Management Supply
Executive Director - Meredith Carr